Uncharted: Movie Review

Uncharted. You may have heard of it, after all, the game is really popular. A PS4 original, with the first version being released in 2007, it quickly became a popular game. The makers quickly made more versions to please the fans who were engulfed in the game’s compelling storyline.

After the success of the video game, movie makers decided to make a movie based on a later version of the game. The movie Uncharted, starring Tom Holland, Mark Wahlberg, Sophia Ali, Tati Gabrielle, and Antonio Banderas, was released on February 18, 2022. In this review, I will give a brief overview of Uncharted’s plot while staying away from spoilers. I will rate Uncharted with a score out of 5 using 3 categories – storyline (out of 2 points), climax (out of 2 points), and ending (out of 1 point).

Uncharted starts with two boys who are both orphans – Sam and his younger brother Nathan. They go into a museum where they see a map of the first expedition around the world. However, this map has a legend behind it. Magellan, who was the first person to travel around the world, was first sent out to seek treasure. He found numerous amounts of treasure, but his crew hid it after his death and left behind a series of clues for people to find that treasure. The movie is centered around the legend about this hidden treasure.

Nathan, years after his brother ran away, is met by a businessman Victor Sullivan who seeks the treasure. They both go on a journey to find the treasure and after finding many obstacles, in an attempt to find the treasure. (Watch the movie to find out). The bulk of the movie is centered around this journey and how the 2 combined eventually find/don’t find the treasure.

After the basic plot overview, let’s rate the movie using the 3 categories:

Storyline (1.75/2): The mix of mystery and suspense makes the storyline compelling to viewers.
However, some parts (like the ending) just don’t seem right to the story – although they make sense given the context of the movie.

Climax (2/2): This was the best part of the movie. Following all the suspense created by the journey, this scene encapsulated all of the suspense into one final twist that was unanticipated.

Ending (0.5/1) – The ending was unsatisfactory in my opinion. After the suspense of the whole journey, the ending was just too calm and it was a sad ending (at least from the perspective of certain characters).

Overall Score: 4.25/5

Despite some flaws in the storyline, Uncharted is very suspenseful and is definitely worth watching!

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Rohan Vanteri
Rohan Vanteri is a Sophomore at Basis Peoria.