Types of People V5

Types of People on Friends Meetup The Early: the person who will be 30 minutes earlier than anyone else The ...

Pikmin 4

The Pikmin franchise, first started by Nintendo in 2001, follows a group of intrepid adventurers from the planets Hocotate and ...


Low-beam headlights gloss the Welcome to Stonefield in a humming Cadillac fat with rusting streaks and wide dents. Pastel pines ...

Apple’s LEAP into the Future: Meet the Vision Pro

It’s 1983. Apple introduces its groundbreaking computer — the Macintosh. It’s much smaller than previous computers and can sit on ...

I Got EARLY Access to Google’s Search Labs!

Here’s Google’s Plan to Destroy ChatGPT… It’s 1998. Larry Page and Sergey Brin officially launch Google. This “search engine” can ...

The Theory of Altruism

Are You Here For Everyone But Yourself?  Have you always put everyone else before yourself? Have you always dropped everything ...

CookieRun: Kingdom: A Korean Gacha Game That Will Capture Your Heart (And Maybe Your Wallet…)

Intro CookieRun: Kingdom is, suffice to say, an odd game. Not just this, but all its developer’s (Devsisters’s) prequel games ...

Slime Rancher 2: The Goopy, Gunking, and Slippy Sequel That Never Disapppoints!

Slime Rancher has pretty much everything you could ever want in a game – the slimes, the ranching – and ...

Meet Your New Teacher: A Robot!

Red For Ed! Pay Us More! Teaching can be an awarding, yet demanding profession. We’ve all had at least one ...