Jasper is a sophomore this year. He really don’t do anything except play games or watch TV. He loves eating and sleeping.

Types of People V5

Types of People on Friends Meetup The Early: the person who will be 30 minutes earlier than anyone else The Late: the person who will arrive there at least 10 minutes late The Dressed: the person who will pick everything they want to wear the day before The Planned: the person who planned what to […]


Types of People V4

Types of People Playing in a Mystery Game The Distracted: The person who always gets distracted by their phone The Silent: The person who does everything silently and solves everything The Confused: The person who always gets the facts wrong The Leader: The person who tells everyone what to do The Solver: The person who […]


Types of People V3

Types of people making plans for a trip The That Day Planner- the person who makes plans on where to go and how long he will be going on the day of the trip. The Months Ahead Planner- the person who plans 6 months plus ahead. The Never Following Plans- the person who plans perfectly […]


Types of People V2

Throughout your life, you’ve seen many different types of people doing all sorts of things the right way, wrong way, weird way, or the side way. But what are those people classified as? We’ll take a dive into types of people doing a few different everyday things.  Types of People Going to the Restroom The […]


Types of People V1

Throughout your life, you’ve seen many different types of people doing all sorts of things the right way, wrong way, weird way, or the side way. But what are those people classified as? We’ll take a dive into types of people doing a few different everyday things.  Types of People Pushing a Shopping Cart The […]


Jokes for Y’all v2

Gravity So gravity pulls things to each other, and everything has gravity. Then why do people pull away from me? Grades My mom asked me why I am too lazy to get a better grade. I responded that it wasn’t my fault. My grades were too lazy to bring themselves up. Brother I hate my […]


Jokes For Y’all v1

The Classroom So there was once a class that was sitting in classroom 107. On the board, it said BIO 7. Everyone was minding their own business. Suddenly, there was one kid who asked his friend, “Why is there a B in front of 107?” He understands that it is in room 107 but why […]