Space Listerine

“Davey, you got some more blue?” David leers for his alloy nightstand that echoes out a great ring whenever his ...

The Things I Carry

Mr. Aditya Sehgal had had enough. He was ready for change because he needed it now more than ever. Carrying ...

The Essay About Nothing

The paragraph you’re about to read is – you guessed it – about NOTHING! The following paragraph is composed of ...

Powder Children

She produces a crumpled coffee filter, flying it down to her feet as she wipes the sweat off her tanned ...

Mining for Gold

Lumbering down the mouth of the cavern, the prospector drags his browned pickaxe from its beak and grates his grey ...

A Space Hotel. . . Made Out of Ice?

It’s Friday Evening, and you’re getting ready to board your spacecraft. It didn’t arrive on time, but only because it ...

Types of People V5

Types of People on Friends Meetup The Early: the person who will be 30 minutes earlier than anyone else The ...

Spaghetti Western Pt. VII

He whisks from bar to brothel to road, horse huffing more in every turn. The moon was his only sight—he ...

Wilt and Dry

The old man comes home, his shack just along the outskirts of Reno. No Comanches, no Spaniards, no Americans—only him ...