Aditya Gupta is a senior at BASIS Peoria. He loves to spend hours and hours on video games like League of Legends, VALORANT, and chess! Wait, is chess even a video game?
Credit: Supercell Games

The Greatness of Clash Royale

When you hear of mobile games, what kind of games come first to your mind? Puzzle games where you move around candies to blow up the board and word games where you create numerous phrases from a select few letters. Games plagued with horrible, annoying advertisements and games where it feels that you cannot progress […]

Photo Credit: Riot Games

The Hottest Series on Netflix: Arcane

Arcane. Heard of it yet? Currently one of the most popular shows on Netflix, Arcane is an animated series based on the lore of a fantasy video game League of Legends and is created by Riot Games themselves who are the creators of the original League of Legends too. Riot Games has been expanding their […]


Basic Chess Strategies

So you read my awesome article on why you should play chess? That is great! You are on your way to joining hundreds of millions of players worldwide united by the simple yet complex game of chess!  But there is one small problem. You do not know how to play well. Now, you, like many […]

Photo Credit: Riot Games

League Of Legends 2021 Worlds Format

League of Legends. You’ve probably heard of it before. League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) video game. Since its release in 2009, it has amassed hundreds of millions of players worldwide. In essence, it’s a pretty big game.  And a special day is just around the corner: October 5th. On this […]


The Fastest Growing Hobby in the Country – And Why You Should Partake in it

You see large, stony pillars towering over you. You see their slender curves and sharp edges. You make out a sort of cross on the top of the tallest one. You see a jagged crown on another. Castle towers rest on the very edge of your vision. Great horsemen and their noble steeds stand frozen […]