Home: A Portrait of Me

In wake of a fast-paced lifestyle that has defined so much of modern-day life, many find comfort in the tranquility of home. For the 3.32 billion people across the planet that have a job, home is an escape – an oasis where they can toss their bags down and relax from the day’s work. But the definition of home is bound to change throughout our lives, and like the 8 billion other inhabitants of our planet, my odyssey begins from my natal home – in India.

While I don’t recall the physical characteristics of this mysterious haven, I do remember the vibrant personas that radiated within those walls. From the warmth of my grandma’s gently wrinkled skin as she hugged me, to the infectious laughter of my aunt as she tried to catch me in a game of tag, this home was a tapestry woven from the threads of the inhabitants. It was a place defined by the people within.

But little did I know that my next home would lie in an arid, sun-drenched land characterized by extreme heat – in the great state of Arizona. Starting from square one, I had no friends I could play with; I had no relatives I could spend time with; I had no place to call home save a small 800 square foot apartment. 

But for the next seven years, all that would change.

I forged new friendships, indulging in the simple pleasures of childhood with my new friends. From rolling down lush green hills during the spring, to making leaf-beds out of fallen leaves during autumn, to hunting for rolly-pollies under palm trees in the summer, I found comfort knowing that I had at least recovered one aspect that truly made a place feel like home – the people.

But while people certainly exert a strong influence on what home is, equally important is the personal connection one feels with the place itself. And I found this connection by decorating the interior. I adorned my bedroom with captivating posters about the solar system, each a portal to distant realms. One after another, they stretched across the wall like an ethereal river of stars, forming a breathtaking tapestry of celestial wonders. These canvases were something unique to me, something that captivated my interest and imagination. It was as though I’d carved out a part of myself and glued it to the walls; my personal touch instilled a deep emotional connection between me and my apartment, becoming the basis for the bond of a lifetime. 

The concept of home defies a singular location. Like a river, it ebbs and flows with our lives, constantly evolving with us. For me and potentially billions of others in the world, our childhood home may have been different from our natal home and from our current home. But, we must not feel compelled to call just one of them our true home. The true essence lies where our unique, personal connections – both social and emotional – interwine, forging a place of belonging and casting a sense of identity. And that can occur anywhere.

Now, as I gaze toward my future, my physical place of residence will inevitably continue to change. From navigating the challenging waters of college, to embarking on new career adventures, to settling into different areas across the world, my journey is far from over. But I know I can transform any place into my home so long as I have the two necessary threads: a connection with the people living with me and the ability to add my own unique personal touch. When these threads weave together harmoniously, they will form the tapestry of my life… a unique portrait of who I have become… a unique portrait of me.

Aditya Sehgal
Aditya is a Senior and enjoys writing about topics ranging from the latest trends to the oldest traditions. He also enjoys playing Tennis, with his idol being Rafael Nadal. Follow for original content you can't stop reading!