SUBstantial Disappointment

Jimmy John’s Italian 8’’ Sub Sandwich

I leisurely walked to the MPR and received my sub in freaky fast time. I quickly noticed the wrapper was quite oily and extremely cold for some odd reason. I proceeded to delicately remove the sticker that held the wrapper together. I admired my picture-perfect sandwich and started to dissect it. Initially, I noticed the bottom bun was extremely soggy as it was bathing in a pool of olive oil. I popped open the sandwich and observed a mountain of lettuce packed at the top, followed by a trifecta of salami, capicola, and cheese, and sitting at the bottom were ripe, sliced tomatoes. JJ’s also scoops out the innards of their bread so they can fit more ingredients; however, I think their plan was to see how much lettuce they could fit.  Another crucial mistake JJ’s committed was that they left the wet tomatoes at the base, causing the bottom bun to turn into a soggy mush that looked very unappetizing. Trying to ignore the thought of wet bread, I took a monstrous bite. I was immediately hit with a strong vinaigrette, followed by the crunch of lettuce, and finally, the salty meat landed upon my taste buds. The acidity of the vinaigrette was a wonderful addition as it cut through the fattiness of the meats. However, the lettuce was a mouthful to handle and the texture of the squishy bread made me shudder in disgust. Overall, JJ’s needs to stop putting an entire salad’s worth of greens in the sandwiches and needs to find a way to ensure their bread can withstand the moistness of the tomatoes. 

Jonathan Zhang
[Graduated] Jonathan Zhang is a senior at Basis Peoria. He is constantly drugged on caffeine due to his complete disregard for a sleep schedule. He prefers coffee over red bull because he can chug coffee much faster, allowing caffeine to reach his bloodstream quicker. He is also a certified "foodie" and likes to pig out at restaurants. His cooking skills are subpar and usually result in something inedible. Additionally, he thoroughly enjoys comedy and cites Irish demigod Conan O'Brien as his inspiration. He also enjoys watching legends such as Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. He hopes to have a normal sleep schedule one day.