Types of People V4

Types of People Playing in a Mystery Game

  • The Distracted: The person who always gets distracted by their phone
  • The Silent: The person who does everything silently and solves everything
  • The Confused: The person who always gets the facts wrong
  • The Leader: The person who tells everyone what to do
  • The Solver: The person who keeps trying to solve one puzzle and does not participate in any discussion
  • The Talker: The person who keeps on talking and distracting people

Types of People Watching TV by Themselves

  • The Skipper: The person who skips everything that they think is boring
  • The Blaster: The person who turns the sound really high so that their neighbor can hear them
  • The Snacker: The person who will eat and leave a mess when watching TV
  • The Double Tasker: The person who will do something else when watching TV
  • The Sleeper: The person who opens the tv and goes to sleep
  • The Awkward Seat-er: The person who sits in the most awkward spot of the house due to charging convenience

Types of People Eating

  • The Neat: The person who never drops a single drop of food anywhere other than their plate
  • The Messy: The person who every single waiter hates due to how messy they are
  • The Formal: The person who uses a knife and fork every time they eat
  • The Stealer: The person who steals food from other people’s plate
  • The Waster: The person who buys a lot of food but never finishes them and throws them away
  • The Mom: The person who makes sure everyone else eats before they do
  • The Speed Eater: The person who finishes eating first every time

Types of People Driving

  • The Normal: The person who is one of the ideal drivers in books
  • The Phone User: The person who calls people when driving
  • The Tired: The person who almost falls asleep during driving
  • The Dad: The father who will always go 20 mph over the speed limit
  • The Scaredy Cat: The person who never goes onto the highway

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Jasper Lin
Jasper is a senior at Basis Peoria.