MLB Championship Series 2020

This year was filled with unprecedented events that truly shook the world off its foundation. Even with this crazy year, there were a couple of mainstays that gave people comfort and warmth in a time where that feeling was almost gone. One of those mainstays was the 2020 MLB Championship series and this article will highlight all the teams participating, the highlights, lowlights, sweeps, and everything in between.

Houston Astros lose in the American League Championship Series to the Tampa Bay Rays

This was a revenge series for the Tampa Bay Rays. They were cheated out of a playoff push last season because of the Astros and their absolute horrid cheating scandal that almost single-handedly ruined baseball. It was the anger that fueled the fire as the Astros went down the first three games looking like it was going to be a sweep and joy for the rest of the world. Of course, this team has to pull three great games out of thin air and all of a sudden, it’s a tied series going into game seven. The baseball gods clearly had enough and said if the Rays aren’t going to do it, then we will and the Astros went down in game seven. The Astros played pretty well and were a good team, but they are just so unlikeable with everything that happened with the cheating scandal. You have to give them their props, but at the end of the day, they are the most hated franchise in baseball and that isn’t going to change anytime soon. 

Atlanta Braves lose in the National League Championship Series to the Los Angeles Dodgers

It’s like every team from Atlanta is forced at some point or another to completely choke and lose everything and anything that they touch. The amazing thing about this series is that before this year, the team’s record was 28-3. The universe is clearly rewarding us, but for what? I don’t know, but this is amazing and nothing will take away from this moment. They choked once again, and this team deserves to lose. They had the Dodgers by the throat and any good team would have finished the job but the Braves didn’t. The Braves’ base running was some of the stupidest things I have ever seen watching sports. It’s like the second any base runner got on base, the entire team just lost half of their brain cells and basically said, “Screw it, Jesus take the wheel.” Also, their pitching was horrendous, and the sad thing was they could have accounted for this if they tried to get a pitcher before the deadline instead of doing nothing. They needed an extra arm, but they didn’t have it, and it showed in the end result. This series was heartbreaking for a Braves fan but should be an eye-opener for the Braves organization.


Shankara Narayanan
Shankara Narayanan is a junior at Basis Peoria. He loves sports, movies, TV Shows, and writing. His specialty is sports writing.