Jokes For Y’all v1

The Classroom

So there was once a class that was sitting in classroom 107. On the board, it said BIO 7. Everyone was minding their own business. Suddenly, there was one kid who asked his friend, “Why is there a B in front of 107?” He understands that it is in room 107 but why a B? His friend glanced at the board and said this is room 106. 

The “Brave” Person

Someone told me they were brave. But then I saw them running away from a moth. That someone was me.

Phone Call

I don’t really understand how females have so many topics to talk about. Like my mom can talk for two hours over Trader Joe’s, shoes, clothes, gossip, and more. But my dad can talk for 3 hours with the Sysco lady trying to get a cheaper price over food

The Jumper

So my friend practiced jumping. He started at ½ then one then 1½ then 2 all the way to 6. Inches. So anyway, my friend is a rat.

My Jacket

My black jacket serves me many purposes. It keeps me warm, it is fashionable, can carry my stuff when I am too lazy to carry them, and keeps the sun out. It can also clean my dad’s car tires.

The Locker Room

Me: Hi, Jack.

Jack: Hey, I have a question. Why does the male locker room always smell like crap and why do the girls always smell like air freshener?

Me: Did you not know that there are actually air fresheners in the girl locker room……….

Me and Jack: WAIT A MINUTE!!!


So I have a friend that asks one of my classmates if he wears glasses to bed. I pitched in and said I didn’t. I don’t wear glasses. 


So one of my students just came up to me. He was a first grader. He started asking me a bunch of questions. Why do we have to go to school? Why are you a teacher? Why are you my teacher? Why isn’t the world flat? Why are we in the middle of a desert? And more. Then I asked him, “Why are you asking so many questions?” He answered, “My mom asked me to ask you when I asked her.”

Jasper Lin
Jasper is a senior at Basis Peoria.