JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Bingeable, Rarely Cringeable

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is a beautifully animated, drawn, and written epic about the Joestar family and the perils they go through written and drawn by Hirohiko Araki. The story tells the story of each JoJo, continuously moving down in generations as the further the story moves along.  We begin with Jonathan Joestar, an honest and true gentleman, who fights for what he believes in until eight parts later we’re neck deep in the story of a sailor with zero memories, four balls, and plenty of determination to regain the past he’s lost.

The thing about JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is that the author never lets it get stale as many normal Hero vs Villain stories do. In the first two seasons (Don’t worry, I’ll be as spoiler free as possible), we have a power using breathing and the sun whereas in the next set, we get one that’s EXTREMELY different, instead of having a character born with the ability or having the ability awakened in the character. THEN, in just the next two seasons, we see yet another change in which the power can be amplified, and that’s not even the best part! After those two seasons, the next season starts in the story we’ve been continuously pursuing and then enters an alternate universe! Then, we’re (roughly) brought up to what we have now (Parts seven and eight are only books right now and are someday to be transcribed into television) with all sorts more craziness, from rock humans to spinning power, Jesus Christ, and even having the entire plot revolve around the chasing of a fruit! I hope I haven’t revealed or spoiled too much, but if you want a show that constantly mixes up what it throws your way, JoJo is 100% a show for you.

I first started liking JoJo when a kid in my new neighborhood introduced me to it. I had originally thought it was some way-too-factual, depressing, boring show that I’d maybe watch two episodes of. Boy am I glad I kept watching. It wasn’t so much that the show was intriguing, amazing, enamoring, and beautiful (although, just to make myself clear, it was and still is ALL of those things), but more of what it opened up for me. Not only did I land this new friend, who nowadays is one of the best friends I have, but it opened up the door to so many new friends in my future. The thing about JoJo is that it is so much more commonly watched than one would think, and you’ll find yourself shocked by how many kids answer yes when asked if they’ve seen it. If you sit down with a kid you don’t know at lunch, and you’re really unsure of how to build trust or rapport, just try dropping in JoJo. Chances are they’ve seen it or at least heard of it, and if they’ve heard of it but haven’t watched or even never heard of it, do what I’m doing now! Encourage them to watch it, explain why it’s so great, and list reason after reason why it is a true classic of our time!

All in all, JoJo’s great. It has style, it has class, and the action is carefully balanced with emotion throughout every installment. JoJo has gone on for a long time and will continue to move on throughout the foreseeable future, bringing the community more and more joy and action. I only hope that when more and more content is given to my friends, the community, and myself, you can be there riding the joy of this show with us. (Also, the music’s an absolute BOP!)

Aiden Bryson
Aiden Bryson is a Junior at Basis Peoria who writes about nerdy gunk to his heart's content. A real wildcard, you can expect a rant and a half on nothingness in one article, while finding a beautiful soliloquy on the nature of friendship and Monkey D. Luffy in another. Hope you enjoy!