Divine Species & Oil

Divine Species

Imagine a mind 

Even more intelligent, sharp, and futuristic

Than the contortions of pink tissue in our skull

Imagine a species evolved out of us

The muscle fibers and calcium powdered bones we share

The hunger of our bellies, and a hunger for survival we share

But then comes a divide in desire

A desire to be a star that shines brighter

A blinding white, stinging light 

So bright it blinds all the rest of us

With a desire to fly higher

Came a greed so vigorous

It created a ruinous war

With greed and war, came a sense of pride

Not a pride that’s a shimmering warm gold

But a pride that’s a murky dark green mold

That clogs lungs and sucks the air 

So they put a mask of righteousness and virtue

Pretending to be something more divine more civil

But then they struck their swords

And showed their inner darkness that flows violently in their hearts

They pick out the most beautiful of us

Scrape our skins

Till we remain as bleeding bags of bones, lay wasted on the roads

Cut our limbs

And hang us on their walls, and bloat about it to their pals

Cage us in their homes, and tie ropes around our throats

And we stood by 

As they laugh at our tears and our cries of pain  

And we will remain forever their slaves 

Our lives boiled down to vain

And maybe we’d deserve it

After all we aren’t strangers 

To that dark fluid that flows in every vein


A dirty mucky thing

It is a blob of yellow translucent liquid

Has a stinging alcoholic aroma, that is so addictive

A dirty mucky thing 

It is first born in deep deep lands

Around dirt and dust, and chunks of grime

A dirty mucky thing

Spilled out from big tanks floating on the sea

Turing the clear blue sea into a black filthy layer of

A dirty mucky thing

If it ever enters our lungs 

It will clog the space, stick to our flesh and choke us out

A dirt mucky thing

It is so very desired by the men in big chairs

Willing to throw bullets and bombs just for this

Dirty mucky thing

It has dripped itself on our beautiful planet full of freshness

Made into something fake, plastic, and mechanized

Like a caramel apple

Taking away the fresh and original

And making it something overly sweet

A destructible substance,

A dirty mucky thing

Jyothisree Mandadapu
Jyothisree is a Junior at Basis Peoria.