Jonathan Zhang
[Graduated] Jonathan Zhang is a senior at Basis Peoria. He is constantly drugged on caffeine due to his complete disregard for a sleep schedule. He prefers coffee over red bull because he can chug coffee much faster, allowing caffeine to reach his bloodstream quicker. He is also a certified "foodie" and likes to pig out at restaurants. His cooking skills are subpar and usually result in something inedible. Additionally, he thoroughly enjoys comedy and cites Irish demigod Conan O'Brien as his inspiration. He also enjoys watching legends such as Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. He hopes to have a normal sleep schedule one day.
Year: 2019-2020
Posted on Author Jonathan Zhang
Jonathan Zhang, Editor-in-Chief & Webmaster Joshua Benker, Writer Andrew Bunag, Writer Shankara Narayanan, Writer Mark Zheng, Writer David Vandian, Writer Jake Intong, Writer Anavi Jain, Writer Kaleb Lee, Writer Zachary Thompson, Writer Ms. Buchanan, Advisor
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Year: 2022-2023
Posted on Author Mark Zheng
Mark Zheng Editor-in-Chief Aditya Gupta Co-Editor-in-Chief Matthew Bala Co-Editor-in-Chief Rohan Vanteri Webmaster Jasper Lin Social Media Manager Aishani Gupta Graphic Designer
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Year: 2021-2022
Posted on Author Jonathan Zhang
Jonathan Zhang Editor-In-Chief & Webmaster Andrew Bunag Managing Editor Josh Benker Managing Editor Shankara Narayanan Head Writer Aiyana Rangel Head of Graphic Design Aditya Gupta Writer & Webmaster