The Pikmin franchise, first started by Nintendo in 2001, follows a group of intrepid adventurers from the planets Hocotate and Koppai, journeying in the hopes of finding not just treasure, but food for their dying planets. These travelers find a strange planet known as PNF-404, which bears a heavy resemblance to Earth and reveals a […]
Tag: video games
CookieRun: Kingdom: A Korean Gacha Game That Will Capture Your Heart (And Maybe Your Wallet…)
Intro CookieRun: Kingdom is, suffice to say, an odd game. Not just this, but all its developer’s (Devsisters’s) prequel games and spinoffs – CookieRun: Ovenbreak, JellyPop, Infinity, and CookieWars – share this same oddness. Now, fundamentally, these games center around one thing – living gingerbread cookies with big personalities taking on huge goals. These cookies […]
Slime Rancher 2: The Goopy, Gunking, and Slippy Sequel That Never Disapppoints!
Slime Rancher has pretty much everything you could ever want in a game – the slimes, the ranching – and Slime Rancher 2 is no different. It beautifully fills the shoes of its award-winning predecessor, and it keeps the game fun and lively without forgetting what made the game so good in the first place. […]
Why Brawl Stars is so Great (and you should play it too)
Games. Everyone plays them nowadays. They are a common pastime for people and account for countless hours of joy and fun for millions of people worldwide. However, people also waste a bunch of time looking for games that please them. Millions of games are downloaded and deleted. According to a study done from January to […]