The Whimsical Whispers of Cinnamon

I hate the winter. Frosty winds chill the soul while darkness lingers with unrelenting persistence. A multitude of pathogens wreak havoc on my throat, unleashing a sticky, green mucus that proves too strong for my gentle immune system. A muddy, acrid substance makes its way up my nose, oozing out despite my efforts to sniff […]



Low-beam headlights gloss the Welcome to Stonefield in a humming Cadillac fat with rusting streaks and wide dents. Pastel pines stand nicely at sideroads and just ahead is free country littered with a few leftover houses. The radio sticks from its slot like some rude head and the button glitters there from moonlight alone. Fog […]


Spaghetti Western Pt. V

All ringing after the explosion, he turns to find only sundered limbs and expired blood; he rushes past his work and bares the second stick and lights its fuse. The dynamite sends into the base of the western wall and some erratic movement can still be heard in the smokescreen. Another boom shakes the wall […]


Spaghetti Western Pt. IV

“He drank so much out of fear and disappointment with himself, that he locked himself in his room until he drank so much his stomach sloshed out of his body, and all he could feel was the paining explosion of once-repressed grief and misery and he called out for his wife and children that he […]


Spaghetti Western Pt. III

He lumbers back into the street, and it is midday—the town marinates him in decrepit isolation and base instincts. Some desert fauna nest in the slacks of ramada steps, and their white orbs pop in their adumbration. The vicious curs gnaw at a felled calf donning pustular cysts on its udder and diseased rashes in […]



When we’re little, we’re often taught that if we do well in school, we can get into a great college. When college comes around, we’re told that if we do well in college, we might land a well-paying job. But what happens when we do everything right and still can’t seem to make ends meet? […]


SCPs – A Comprehensive Guide to the Foundation

The SCP Foundation, standing for “Secure.Contain.Protect,” is a foundation dedicated to hiding that which lives in the dark so that society can live in the light. It designates the entities they find as “SCP’s” giving them designations like “SCP-682,” or “SCP-23.” These SCP’s can range from lego bricks that move on their own to rapidly-evolving […]


Spaghetti Western Pt. I

He shoots down a tin can behind the saloon and the bartender tells him he did well. He lumbers atop dog whelks and broken shells back to the hitching post and feeding troughs where he propped up the ancient containers of spirits and liqueurs. Aching and stretching his back, the man returns the shot metal […]


A Rainy Day

He clicked open the slot for Mr. Stein’s niche and the drawer poofed some dust in the air– his father left him his watch, and he carefully removed it from its ancient recess and shoved it into his coat pocket. The columbarium was wide and open and dark and cold; he felt like it was […]