Mr. G’s Interview: 2024
Matthew (M): Thank you, for wanting to take this interview with us, again. Mr. Gebreyesus (G): Of course. M: A ...

Ms. Fink Interview
Ms. Fink is a new addition to Basis Peoria and she teaches history at both the high school and eighth-grade ...

The Whimsical Whispers of Cinnamon
I hate the winter. Frosty winds chill the soul while darkness lingers with unrelenting persistence. A multitude of pathogens wreak ...

Ms. Beyries Interview
Maleah: Ok. So, what classes do you teach? Ms. Beyries I only teach 8th Grade English. Maleah Ok. What’s your ...

Should We Increase Speed Limits on Interstates?
Whoosh! Woah there, did you see that? That car just went 70 on a 40! For some of you out ...

Spaghetti Western Pt. III
He lumbers back into the street, and it is midday—the town marinates him in decrepit isolation and base instincts. Some ...

Mr. Leonardi Interview
Our school’s speech and debate program has been flourishing and growing rapidly in the last few years. Mr. Leonardi is ...

Mx. Davis Teacher Interview
It’s been a while since we’ve done a brand new teacher interview, and today we’ve interviewed Mx. Davis, the new ...

Mr. Poggi Interview and the Juvenile Prison System
One day last summer, I was on my way to an amusement park, and I was excited to spend my ...