Photo Credit: The White House

Out with the Old, In with the New

January 20, 2021, marked the introduction of a new dawn in American politics: the passage of power from one president to the next. Historically, inaugurations solidify the peace and prosperity of the U.S., signaling a new beginning and hope for all. Although the last four years have been full of social division and polarization, Biden’s inauguration showed signs of unity and love for every American – regardless of party. 

The very first event that took place was former president Trump’s departure. Being the only president since the beginning of America to have been impeached twice, Trump was a polarizing force in America with both staunch supporters and harsh critics. In light of the riots at the capital that Trump incited, his departure was long-awaited by most. He left the White House prior to the ceremony, refusing to attend the inauguration, but President Biden has reported that Trump left a very generous letter behind for him to read.

The highlight of the evening was most definitely President Biden’s inauguration speech in which he emphasized the importance of unity in the current health and financial crisis. He urged Americans to work together and look towards a brighter future for our country. He made history as the country’s oldest president at 78 years of age. Biden’s running mate, Vice President Kamala Harris, also made history as the first female, Black, and South Asian Vice President. She exudes a ray of light and hope for all young girls hoping to be in the federal office one day.

The day also consisted of many musical performances, most notable being Jennifer Lopez, Garth Brooks, Lady Gaga, and Katy Perry. Amanda Gorman, the youngest poet laureate, also delivered a beautiful poem with themes of recovering and rebuilding.

All in all, inauguration day revealed new horizons in American politics and a shift towards unity in the U.S. In his first two days in office, President Joe Biden has already made government initiatives to advance racial equality, reversed the Muslim Ban, and revoked Trump’s infamous order that advocated for harsh and extreme immigration enforcement- including the building of the Mexico-US wall. It truly is the start of a New America.