Mr. Tran Teacher Interview

Hello everyone! Welcome to the interview of Mr. Tran. You will surely be astonished by what you will learn about this amazing teacher! Check out the actual video of our interview on our YouTube

Shashvat (S): Hello Mr. Tran, thank you for being here! I was going to ask you a few questions. 

Mr. Tran (T): Thank you Shashvat for interviewing me. 

S: You’re welcome. So what classes are currently teaching at BASIS Peoria?

T: Oh I teach two classes, AP US Government and Politics and also AP US History.

S: Ok so, in AP Government, what is your favorite topic?

T: Oh, my favorite topic has to be the Constitution. And I also like to teach one branch of government, and that is the judicial branch. This is also one of my favorite topics to teach. 

S: Ok so what is your favorite topic in AP US History?

T: Well, AP US History covers 1492 all the way to modern American history. My favorite, the one that I love to teach really is during the founding periods. The period during the American Revolution, and of course the creation of the Constitution. And I like the 1950’s and the 1960’s also because of the affluence in the United States and also because of the Civil Rights movement.

S: Ok, so how long have you been teaching at BASIS?

T: Well, I have been here since BASIS first opened its doors in 2011. So this is ten years for me.

S: Cool, so what is your favorite part of teaching?

T: My favorite part of teaching has to be the students. The kids that I am able to develop. And I think teaching is not something I get to see right away but years later when the student has, you know, left BASIS and went on to great things. So many of them, you know, left me and a few of them really filled me with pride; the fact that I played a role in their education and development and their growth – really that’s the purpose of teaching for me. 

S: Ok, so if you couldn’t be a teacher, then what would be your profession?

T: Oh it’s easy, a pilot. I love airplanes and I love flying. Yes.

S: Cool, so what are your hobbies?

T: My hobbies, well, I am what you call an aviation geek. I like to take pictures of airplanes and I like to go to the airport and watch the airplanes takeoff and landing. In my spare time, I also fly the flight simulator at home. 

S: Cool, so do you play any video games?

T: Yeah, you can call flight simulators a video game. Yes. 

S: If you could change one thing at BASIS what would it be?

T: Oh, not to require you guys to take all of the AP classes, to give you a choice on which AP classes you would want to take. So, for example, in the history department, we are beginning to move in that direction. So this year BASIS Peoria has a History and Academy course that would replace APUSH, so students who prefer not to take AP US History should have a different option, so I’m glad that the school offered that option this year.

S: Ok, what is the best experience that you have had at BASIS?

T: The best experience is seeing the accomplishments of my students. It has to be the support that the parents have for the students. This school receives lots of support and the parents are really supportive of the Boosters and organize many different lunches and occasions for us. The best thing about Basis is our ability to teach kids that learn at a very high level. The fact that there are no disciplinary problems, and after ten years, I have never sent anyone down to see Mr. Poggi, and overall I think that the kids want to be here and they really really work hard even though the material is very difficult, but the kids here strive more so than at many other schools. 

S: What do you think about the current government?

T: What do I think about the current government? What do you mean about the current government?

S: Um, so what do you think about the state of the government?

T: I think our government is in a little bit of chaos. I think the disagreement within the democratic parties about government spending, infrastructure, and the goals set that we need to be working on, especially the 3.5 trillion budget that the democrats are trying to pass. I think the democrats should come together to try to get to a number in terms of how much of this package the government should be sending. But I think the programs are good, I am in support of those programs, and in this 3.5 trillion dollars there is a proposal for free Pre-K, there is a proposal for free community college education, so I think those are good. 

S: Alright, thank you!

T: You’re welcome. 

Thank you Mr. Tran for giving me this interview.

Shashvat Mariswaran
Shashvat Mariswaran is currently a sophomore at Basis Peoria! He’s very caught up with current events, especially concerning any recent chess tournaments. Challenge him to a game of chess anytime, see if you can beat him! P.S. He sings!