Student Happenings

Cheri Oz: SAC Visit

This past month, the Youth Policy Assembly (YPA) had a special guest come in and teach them about policymaking and politics in the federal domain. The guest, Special Agent in Charge (SAC), Cheri Oz, is a member of the DEA and was happy to speak on drugs and the legislation used to deal with them. During the meeting, about 40 students were in attendance, all the while SAC Oz spoke on how the Phoenix (Arizona) division handled drugs, and how she played a role in policymaking. To anyone brave enough to ask questions, she gave plenty of merchandise, ranging from DEA-branded bracelets to stress balls. Plenty of students were inquisitive about the policymaking process, and SAC Oz didn’t hold back, giving them every piece of information they wanted to know. The meeting was a smashing success, and the YPA plans to have even more guests in the future, perhaps even netting a representative from Congress! The YPA strongly urges anyone who wants to learn about state/federal rules and regulations to join, or at least look into the club, as not only is policymaking vital to plenty of things we experience in everyday life, but to the very structure of the nation itself!

Aiden Bryson
Aiden Bryson is a Junior at Basis Peoria who writes about nerdy gunk to his heart's content. A real wildcard, you can expect a rant and a half on nothingness in one article, while finding a beautiful soliloquy on the nature of friendship and Monkey D. Luffy in another. Hope you enjoy!