Jyothisree is a Junior at Basis Peoria.

Ms. Fink Interview

Ms. Fink is a new addition to Basis Peoria and she teaches history at both the high school and eighth-grade level. So we decided to interview her so we could get to know her better.  Some of the responses have been edited for clarity.  Jyothisree: The first question is what first sparked your interest in […]


The Batman: Movie Review

The new Batman live-action movie hit theaters earlier this month. Batman is a fan favorite for superhero fans with the comics and numerous adaptations as both TV shows and movies, and 9 live actions to date. This review will have a slight summary with no spoilers in it. The movie will be rated out of […]


Mr. Leonardi Interview

Our school’s speech and debate program has been flourishing and growing rapidly in the last few years. Mr. Leonardi is the high school chemistry teacher and he is the head coach for debate. So, we have decided to interview him about the speech and debate team. Some of the responses have been edited for clarity. […]


Divine Species & Oil

Divine Species Imagine a mind  Even more intelligent, sharp, and futuristic Than the contortions of pink tissue in our skull Imagine a species evolved out of us The muscle fibers and calcium powdered bones we share The hunger of our bellies, and a hunger for survival we share But then comes a divide in desire […]


COP26 failed. Now what?

COP26 was touted by world leaders as a summit where they would take action and come to a global consensus on how to tackle climate change and reach the goals outlined in the Paris Climate Conference. World leaders were optimistic about getting results going into the summit and 197 countries were present at the conference […]


COP26 is Our Last Chance

Leaders from all around the globe gather at Glasgow in the UK to discuss climate change at COP26. COP26 is the United Nations climate change conference held from Oct 31 to Nov 12 this year, where various countries work together to address climate change and make progress. The summit aims to reach an agreement between […]


Space Tourism

I’m sure we’ve all seen a few clips or at least heard of Jeff Bezos’s trip into space, or you might have seen the trailers for the Netflix documentary “Countdown” for SpaceX’s all civilian space journey. We have ushered in a new age where we can now go to space by booking tickets through private […]